Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Food Contract

I have decided to take the role of that guy my in my middle school who used to mess with everybody (he was infamously known as The Fish and once he sat down next to me in the common room and ripped off a bandage I had on a finger which had got caught in a door. (Btw, what a confidence you need to do something like that haha)). So what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna continue building on the legacy of The Fish and do mean, unfair bullying of my phobia from the 20th of September until the end of this year. In order to make sure I stay committed to seriously busting my phobias balls like I was that guy Billy Batts in Goodfellas who's messing with Tommy in the bar ("Now, go home and get your fuckin' shine box!") (Footnote 1), I have written and signed a contract, The Food Contract. The Food Contract declares what I have committed to doing and not doing in order to prepare the phobia for a permanent nap in a Hästens bed on the bottom of the Arctic Sea. Please, have a look at the contract below (click on it to open up a bigger version in a new window):

So, the plan is: I'm gonna eat out 4 times every week and out of these 4 times, I will choose one meal that I'm gonna document on this blog with a short analysis of how the eating went accompanied by lovely pictures of the meal. It's gonna be absolutely marvellous!

As a last note in this post, I wanna send out massive props to Ice Skrillah The Human Rolex for interrupting the heist of Iceland to come down and sign the contract as witness at the Thames Valley University library where I printed and scanned the contract. I owe you one, man! Also, it looks like his signature isn't on the contract but actually it is, it's just that you can't see it cause he signed the contract using a pen made of 100% ICE. Thanks again, Skrillah and yeah, I'll help you out next Thursday as a lookout!

Footnote 1: Unfortunately, Billy Batts, as a result of his world-class ball busting, gets stabbed like 10 times with a kitchen knife in the trunk of car in the middle of a forest. However, I assure you that I will be more successful in my ball breaking as I'm actually a very nice guy and don't really mean it, unlike Billy Batts who was just playing cool and while doing that, messed with one of the meanest bad asses of all time.

Billy Batts' World-Class Ball Busting

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My phobia sleeps with the fishes

In 2005, I splashed the San Diego pavement with a stomach cocktail, 2 minutes into eating some food (can’t remember exactly what it was) at a Mexican restaurant. Me and 2 other bad asses had arrived in San Diego after a 100-hour long plane trip from Amsterdam earlier that day. So I guess I was just too tired and off-beat like spoken word rappers from the flight and the jet lag to eat without using the food to graffiti-tag the asphalt. Since that night (feel the seriousness), I’ve found it difficult to eat in public and with others. Every time I’ve faced the situation of doing it, I’ve become anxious, and worried that I’m gonna throw up and do another San Diego. After holding food poisoning, stomach sickness and jet lag as potential sources of the problem, me and my family Dr. Phil:ed the issue and established that I’d developed a phobia of eating in front of others. During the years that followed the Mexican Throw Up Fest, I have tried to fight this phobia but the problem is that I haven’ been consistent in doing it. Yeah, there have been many times when I’ve tried to ignore the problem and have eaten both alone and with friends in public. BUT, there has also been many times when I’ve chosen Take away rather than Eat here and eaten the food at home while telling myself “It’s safe here. No one can see if I throw up.”, Emo Trippin’ in a hunched-back-Smeagol-pose with this hair style.

Yeah, I’ve been a bit lazy in trying to fight this phobia. I mean, I’ve still been eating out and with others a lot but I haven’t set up a focused plan. I haven’t sad – “Ok, f*** you phobia, I’m gonna learn how to eat now (or at least improve) and this is how I’m gonna try to do it.” Also, I haven’t been consistent in seeking help. I’ve seen two counselors, which is a good number I guess, but both of them only for a short period of time. The first one was a Canadian woman who worked for the student counseling service at London Metropolitan University where I had the great privliegfhsdfbdfhidfgkh (f*** man, how do you spell it?!) to study 2005-2010. I saw her, I think in 2006 for a couple of sessions, but they were scheduled too early in the morning (for me), so I stopped seeing her and spent more quality time horizontally in my bed instead. I saw a counselor again in Brussels in 2008; a Belgian guy with a bad ass "soul patch". He tried to hypnotize me on some Derren Brown tshit but wasn’t able to do it because I couldn’t focus - all I was thinking about was that massive credit I had to top up his wallet with after every session.

So, since I’ve failed to improve my relationship with public food with a Godzilla-sized

my phobia’s is still chillin’ inside my brain on a nice leather couch watching Come Dine With Me on a 500-inch plasma TV. Before I start with the closing paragraph, I wanna thank my parents Gabriella and Jancsi Bacsi for making it clear that actually nothing has changed regarding my phobia since San Diego 9/11; I'm still having trouble eating in front of others. I also want to acknowledge the book Awaken The Giant Within written by Anthony Robbins which motivated me to really try and get rid of this phobia.

Ok, here’s the final ass-kicking paragraph:

I feel that it’s time to make a real commitment in dealing with this problem.
It’s time to really do something about it. I’ve been missing out on way to many breakfasts, lunches, dinners and late-night-after-clubbin’-meals out in public. Too much tasty food has remained on the plate instead of filling up the area hidden behind that trimmed 6-pack. Seriously, I’m really hungry. I need public food right now. I’m starving. Like Tony Montana said – “I could eat a horse”. Thus, it is now time to get into Clint Eastwood-Mode and face this phobia eye to eye, Spaghetti Western style with me ready to lift up the Bazooka (the Magnum is just there for the look) in a split-second and serve the phobia with a nice plate of Rocket Bourguignon and a side dish of Le Fuck You. EAT THIS. IN PUBLIC.


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